putinbayohio.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s “Moss on the Rock”. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today! Moss on the Rock Nature Center’s Clothing Swap Shop Are you doing a big fall clean out of your closet? Don’t take your unwanted clothes to the mainland, instead bring them to the Nature & Wildlife Center’s Clothing Swap Shop! Starting Wednesday, November 1st, we will be open from 3 to 5 p.m. every Wednesday throughout the winter for people to bring and sort their CLEAN and gently used clothing and to come...More Information
putinbayohio.com is proud to present this piece from the Put-in-Bay Gazette. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today! Duff Homestead Challenge Met! Put-in-Bay Township Park District recently closed on 6.5 acres of property on Squaw Harbor commonly referred to as the Duff Homestead Site. The property is located on Bayview Avenue. Thanks to all who have contributed or donated to this effort and to the Duffs for working with us! The property includes the historic Duff home which will be refurbished as a visitor center and an office for the Park District...More Information