Kelleys Island News By Leslie Korenko The holidays are behind us and we look forward to a quiet couple of months of winter. By now, the ferry has probably stopped running (remember I write this around the 20th). What a great Christmas present; the KIFBL gifted us with a free shopping trip. Cars are already moved over to the airport in anticipation of those unexpected trips off island this winter. So now we find most of our news on Facebook. We get to visit with the school kids (it is amazing how creative they are) and we catch up with...More Information
Events & News
Lake Erie Islands Conservancy Position Open Part Time Administrative Position Advancement/Membership Specialist Program and Job Description: Located on the Bass Islands, The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy encourages conservation and protection of natural and agricultural land in the island for the benefit of this and future generations. Our goal is to grow membership and increase donations to meet our mission and needs. The Advancement/Membership Specialist will work to provide better coordination of membership and outreach on Conservancy programs to the community to meet this goal. Reports to: LEIC Director/Chair with a monthly report to the Conservancy Board. Qualifications: 1. Proficiency...More Information