The Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center works to preserve the natural wonder of South Bass Island. Interactive exhibitions, classes, and events are regularly programmed here. By educating the next generation on how to protect the environment, this special spot of the world will continue to thrive.
The Lake Erie Islands Wildlife Center is open daily from 11 am-5 pm and it is a great place to take the kids, family, or grandchildren. Both residents and visitors should make a trip to the Lake Erie Islands Wildlife Center on of your stops at Put-in-Bay.
Summer activities include nature walks, children’s nature camps, and their annual Island Green Week in August.
How They are Pollinators, Life Cycle Display
This exhibit at the wildlife center features an interactive monarch butterfly display showing how butterflies are pollinators. It also teaches the life cycle of the monarch butterfly. This is the third exhibit and it is located inside of the Lake Erie Islands Wildlife Center.
Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center Details
Open seven days a week from June to August, tickets are $3 for adults and $2 for children over five and seniors. They also offer group rates and special programming by appointment. The center is open on weekends in May and September.
A little more than a mile from downtown Put-in-Bay, the Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center is located on Meechen Road. Nearby neighbors include South Bass Island State Park. Island Club Rentals and A Place At The Bay are also close by.
The Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center promotes conservation along with educational programs focused of the flora, fauna, and lands of the Lake Erie Islands ecosystem.
Nature Camp
During the last weekend in June children of all ages are invited to take part in Nature Camp. Grouped according to age, they explore and investigate their amazing natural surroundings. The theme for 2018 was “Wet and Wild Lake Erie.” Activities included dipping for micro and macroinvertebrates, searching for predatory animals in the field, and learning how all creatures, even humans, are connected through water.
Older campers enjoy a night of camping and kayaking, either on Middle Bass Island, South Bass, or North. This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about Lake Erie and have a lot of fun with other kids.
Wild Tuesdays
Wild Tuesdays are when the staff of Nature and Wildlife Center really let loose! Programs include talks on snakes and spiders to the caves of Put-in-Bay. Visitors can expect to get up close and personal with lots of fascinating creatures.
Experts from the region travel to South Bass Island in order to share their knowledge. They begin every June and have been an island favorite since 2009.
Island Green Week
Every August the Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center hosts Green Week. Along with collaborators such as the Lake Erie Islands Conservancy, OSU’s Stone Laboratory, the Put-in-Bay Township Park District, and Historical Society, the center produces a week full of events about ecotourism, adventure, travel, history, and agritourism. This week is fun for the whole family.
Easy To Find!
The Lake Erie Islands Nature and Wildlife Center is located right in the middle of the island, about a quarter-mile away from the Airport and just down the road from Put-in-Bay’s famous Island Club Rentals. Incidentally, if you are looking for a place to stay on the island, the Island Club is one of our top-rated picks, including #1 for group stays. So if you’ve got a big group you want to bring to Put-in-Bay, like a bachelorette party or family reunion, the Island Club is a perfect choice!