By Leslie Korenko
Winter is upon us. We woke up to one inch of snow on December 1st and another two inches two weeks later. As I write this we are hoping for a white Christmas (in just a few days). As we begin to “shelter in” in earnest, we are watching our COVID cases climb. On December 20th, we already had 10 reported cases. How we managed to avoid infection all summer is a miracle. But now that the tourists are gone, we seem to have forgotten to be careful. Our thanks to the KI Ferry for providing us with a free shopping trip. Many of us moved our winter cars to the airport. In previous years, we would shop all day, meet friends for a leisurely lunch and bring home gifts and treats. This year it was less joyous as we scurried to find previously scarce essentials for the winter.
So what happens in January? Nothing. The library is still closed, although self-policing exercise classes may start up in Kelleys’ Hall downtown (remember, we did those years ago). The VFW is open on weekends, but the potlucks will not be held. Even the Christmas pot luck was cancelled. People don’t understand that when winter comes, all the bars, restaurants, and gift shops close. We see posts on Facebook all the time asking ‘what’s open.’ Nothing! Welcome to winter on the Island. Business was brisk at the Parsonage Resale Shop at the history museum as people searched for last minute gifts (and found them). The history museum is working on putting all the school yearbooks online – scanning and indexing them. The work is slow going but should be done by spring. Leslie has been writing a history blog (it appears on the Assoc. and Chamber websites). Lots of interesting posts to keep you busy and intrigued all winter.
Council – Why, oh why do we bother to attend online? The microphone faces the Mayor and even though people complain, we still cannot hear anyone. At one point a Councilman who was attending remotely complained that he could not hear the roll call or what he was voting on. The solution is so simple, turn on the microphones and move the speaker to behind the Mayor, that way we can hear everyone’s reports, votes and comments. The POLICE DEPT. reported 104 phone calls, had three reports and a deer attacked one of the police cars on Titus Road. The FIRE DEPT had one run. Our NEW EMS COORDINATOR has been hired. There were five candidates (one from Indiana and another from Maine). Russ Maust was selected and has already started. Metro Health LifeFlight is now servicing the Island in place of St. V’s. The procedures have not changed though, keep dialing 911 for emergencies. The Mayor read a Resolution of Commendation for Sharon Devine for her years of service to the Village’s healthcare and her contributions to this community.
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please visit the Put-in-Bay Gazette subscription form.
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