putinbayohio.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s “Moss on the Rock”. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today! Moss on the Rock Visits to Stone Lab, SBI Lighthouse & Aquatic Visitors Center Want to visit Stone Laboratory, the Aquatic Visitors Center, and the South Bass Island Lighthouse yet this summer? Save these important dates for this month or visit https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/…/osg-sl-offer-science. Come visit Gibraltar Island for a Thursday tour from 10 a.m. to noon or 1 to 3 p.m., running every Thursday until August 17th. The tours meet at The Boardwalk and...More Information
putinbayohio.com is proud to present this piece from the Put-in-Bay Gazette. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today! Delaware Avenue Parking Update On Friday, July 7th, “4 Passenger Golf Carts Only” was stenciled by line marking contractors on each of the diagonal parking spots on Delaware Ave. This was done to augment the regular information parking signs along the street for a couple of reasons. 1) 6-passenger-and-above golf carts stick out into the street and disturb the flow of traffic, especially when it comes to getting police cars, firetrucks and...More Information