putinbayohio.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s “New Proprietors at Anchor Inn”. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today!
New Proprietors at Anchor Inn
When Emily Easterling surprised her husband Paul with a stay at the Anchor Inn for his birthday three years ago, they never
dreamed they would someday own Put-in-Bay’s popular boutique hotel. After staying with Anchor Inn owners Joey Wolf and her
husband Bill Burger, the couple couldn’t get the idea out of their heads how they might enjoy owning and operating an upscale
lodging facility on an island….specifically the Anchor Inn on Put-in-Bay.
Joey and Bill, after years of hard work remodeling and building the business, weren’t quite ready to sell and retire when the two
couples started talking, but that time came and Paul and Emily became the new owners last February.
Paul is originally from the Akron area, and Emily from Columbus, but they met while working in the Washington, DC area. Paul
studied law and Emily environmental studies. Paul ended up getting involved in online education and Emily worked in her field before
moving from DC to New Jersey. Before the pandemic, Emily was offered a dream job in Ohio with Nestle. Paul had been to Put-in-
Bay in his younger years and played in the volleyball tournaments, so when they moved back to Ohio, what better than a visit to Put-
Now, the couple is busy learning to run a 9-room island hotel and two bedroom cottage. Joey and Bill have agreed to stay on the
first year to help them get them started. There are also four university students, two from Jamaica and two from Croatia, who will be
working to keep things sparkling clean and comfortable. There are still the beautifully appointed rooms with those comfy beds, and
the pleasant porch where guests can enjoy the complimentary breakfast.
There is however, one thing that has changed. Paul’s work took him to many countries where he enjoyed a variety of breakfasts,
and now with a kitchen in his own boutique hotel, he not only offers a wonderful breakfast menu with all your favorites, but also
cooks from scratch exotic fare breakfasts from points around the world. Unique items on the inn’s menu include Breakfast Ramen and
Aloo Partha from Asia, Shakshuka and Foul Mudammas from the Middle East and North Africa, Chilaqueles and Breakfast Arepas
from Latin America, Spinach Mushroom Quiche, Corned Beef Potato Boxty and Tortilla Espanola from Europe, and more. Yum!
If you’d like an exceptional island experience, check out Paul and Emily’s Anchor Inn by typing “Anchor Inn Put-in-Bay” on
Google. You’ll like what you find!
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please visit the Put-in-Bay Gazette subscription form. This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to putinbayohio.com courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website putinbay.news for more information and to subscribe!