New Put-in-Bay Ferry
The Miller Ferry is finally finishing up construction of it’s new ferry the M/V Mary Ann Market it looks amazing. Built in honor of the late Market family matriarch Mary Ann Market, the new 140 ft boat features an upgraded propulsion system, 20% more cargo space, and better maneuverability. The boat’s new design makes it better suited for Lake Erie’s rough waters and night travel but keep in mind this doesn’t mean the Miller Boat Line will be providing late night service now.
This new ferry will be servicing one way and round trip travel to two of the most popular Lake Erie islands: Put-in-Bay (South Bass Island) and Middle Bass Island from the boat line’s main dock in Catawba Island Point in Port Clinton, Ohio. You will quickly notice that it doesn’t look quite the same as the rest of the fleet, and this is for a simple reason: The top deck now stretches out over close to half of the boat instead of just a quarter of the way like before.
Just because the new ferry can hold a lot of cars doesn’t mean you should drive to the island. We still recommend you leave your car in one of their free parking lots and check out some golf cart rentals on the island such as E’s. If you’re new to the island make sure you check out their gift shop and ask about any upcoming island events, the best Put-in-Bay attractions, where to find your hotels & resorts, or just ask for an island guide of downtown Put in Bay!
More about the Miller Boat Line
The Miller Ferry is now owned by the Market’s who decided to keep the “Miller” name out of respect for the founding family. William E. Market and his wife Mary Ann oversaw the construction of 4 new passenger ferries from 1983-1997 and is the company now owned and operated by their children Billy, Julene, and Scott Market. They are very excited to announce the completion of the “M/V Mary Ann Market” and the family put out a statement saying “We look forward to welcoming the new M/V Mary Ann Market, it will be a proud and nostalgic moment to see her operate alongside the other island ferries.”
Difference between the Jet Express and the Miller Ferry
I know there’s two different ways to get to the island, but how do I know which one to take? Well the main difference between the two right off the bat is that the Miller is the only ferry that can carry cars while the Jet is a faster boat and is passenger service only. You can also find a Jet docks in Sandusky, Port Clinton, and if you find yourself wanting to explore Kelley’s Island you can catch a Jet Express ferry boat directly from their Put in Bay dock.
Now while the Jet is a faster boat, that doesn’t mean it’s the fastest way to island. The Miller Ferry takes about 18 minutes from Catawba to South Bass while the Jet actually takes closer to a half hour. Another key difference is the jet provides late night ferry service.