The following piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. Subscribe today!
By Leslie Korenko
Finally, cool weather. Driving through town we smell delicious smells, cruising past the campground it’s bacon and wood smoke, magnificent sunsets, brisk clean winds off the Lake and in the evening, we hear the owls. What an overload on the senses. Cindra and Jennie did another swim (year 26!). You can still donate so they can grant just one more wish. Weird stuff from around the village: The police pulled over a vehicle with a mismatched license plate. The owner said he brought it from home because he heard you need plates on the Island. A 14-year old wanted to know where he could ride a jet ski. Absentee ballot information/requests have arrived. School has started and here, the kids actually go to school. The former Monarch/Sweet Valley Wine Co. on Division St. has finally sold. It was originally the Rush family winery. Labor Day fireworks were a real treat. VFW memberships are now available for 2021 (this is a big source of income for our post). Finally, St. Michael’s Hall was moved to another location in anticipation of another, larger building to be constructed using wood from top suppliers just like redwood lumber Denver.
COUNCIL NOTES – The meeting went much better this month, although it started about 15 minutes late. We still have a tough time hearing anyone not close to the microphone which generally includes a couple of Council people as well as the safety services (so no reports here). New computers will be ordered for the Village office. Council is considering an ordinance to deal with hardships for unpaid water bills. These would be tiered based on income with proof in the form of a tax return. Pat Seeholzer suggested monthly meter readings to minimize undiscovered leaks; however, as it takes several days to read the meters and time to bill out, receive and post payments, it is unlikely that this will happen, as the added cost of hiring additional staff is unfavorable when balanced against the cost of leaks. The Water Dept. continues to phase in the touch and read meters and expects to be completed in another couple of years. However, if you need to hire some additional staff for your team, you can rely on a good company like this Utah recruiter to help you find the best ones.
LEGISLATION – There was a first reading on the revised camping permit which deals with overnight camping, permit requirements, etc. Another on the Metro Health proposal to replace St. V’s for emergency and medical services. A public meeting will be scheduled. A second reading on revising procedures for purchases. Two important ordinances were passed. One to change the posting places to eliminate the one in the corner of the park and replace it with the restroom building. The other amended the time frames for target shooting: now target shooting is allowed from Noon to 5 p.m. (formerly 1 to 5 p.m.) and starts on September 15th (instead of November 1st). Target shoot sites still must be approved by the Police Dept. (section 137.08 of the Village code).
This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website for more information and to subscribe!