March 2021, In the News...

March 2021, In the News…

In the News…


Back in the Day

John Ladd (PIBHS Class of 1950) has plenty of island memories. One year when he was in high school in the late 40s, John tells how he was out ice fishing with his twin brother, Jim, off Rattlesnake Island. Nearby, John Nissen and Walt Wiese were fishing, too. John remembers the two older men each filling two potato sacks with walleye before calling it quits. John and Jim each had a sack three quarters full. To bring the fish to shore, they loaded a wooden sled which they pushed all the way back to PIB. The trip included a stop to get their load of fish over a crack, too.

Ice fishing sure has changed!


Please Protect Our Preserves – Keep Your Pet On A Leash!

Our Put-in-Bay Township Park District Preserves are posted that dogs must be on a leash to be in the preserve. Jane Coates Wildflower Preserve is posted “No Pets” by the wishes of one of the donors to the Preserve. All of our preserves were purchased with grants because of their value as wildlife habitat, their valuable plant communities, and as open space for all to enjoy. We have provided bags and garbage bins but continue to see droppings on our trails.

Why should you keep your dog on a leash at our preserves?

  1. You should be considerate of other visitors who may not appreciate your friendly dog suddenly appearing in front of them. We are inviting bird watchers, photographers, and nature lovers to come and enjoy our preserves. Keeping your dog on a leash keeps everyone comfortable. Families walk these trails who may not know your dog.
  2. Unleashed dogs cause wildlife stress. Whether your dog actually consumes birds or other wildlife, their presence off leash can cause stress and their droppings can spread parasites to local wildlife. Wildlife have a tough enough time making it without the added stress of your pet.
  3. It is better and safer for your dog to be on a leash. They will have no unwelcome contact with wildlife like a bite in the nose and no unwelcome contact with other dogs or neighbors on the trail as well.
  4. And last but not least, it is illegal. The Park District has their rules posted at the entrance to every preserve. If you choose to ignore these rules, we may have to not allow pets at all in our preserves if we cannot control the situation. Authorities will be alerted if your dog is off the leash and on a trail

We are lucky that our community now has a wonderful dog park on Port Authority property for dogs to run and enjoy in a fenced in area. This is the place to go to allow your dog off the leash.

Oliver Hazard Perry Battle of Lake Erie Telescope Sells for $99,000

A spyglass used by Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry at the Battle of Lake Erie on September 10th, 1813 sold for $99,000 at a Pennsylvania “Early Arms & Memorabilia” auction back in November 2020.

According to an Erie Times news article, Perry gave the telescope to his friend, U.S. Gen. William Henry Harrison, who served in the War of 1812 and later became the ninth American president.

The telescope was sold at an auction hosted by Morphy Auctions, of Denver, Pennsylvania, in Lancaster County. 

The minimum bid was $25,000. There were 30 bids, according to information listed on Morphy Auctions’ website. The telescope’s estimated value on the website was $50,000 to $100,000.

Perry’s telescope is an early 19th century, three-draw, mahogany-and-brass marine spyglass measuring 34 inches fully extended with sunshade and 11 inches closed, with sliding brass shutters at each end to protect the objective lens and eyepiece.

One of the lenses in the telescope was missing. We can only imagine what it would have brought had one been able to actually see through it.


LEIC Native Plant and Tree Sale

The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy (LEIC) is now taking orders for native trees and plants for the islands. We are using Riverside Native Trees and Natives in Harmony for our native tree and plant sale. Buying and planting native trees and shrubs is a great way to provide quality habitat for the birds, butterflies, moths and other wildlife on the islands. We are promoting the planting of native trees and shrubs because our wildlife are adapted to feeding on these plants and using them for shelter. By planting native species, you are making your land more attractive to birds, bees, butterflies, moths and a host of other desirable species. If you’re also in need of tree trimming services, we recommend contacting right here on Rich’s Tree Service, Inc. This fundraiser will be used to support the LEIC land preservation and restoration programs!

Trees: Native trees and shrubs are for sale in 3 gallon containers. The varieties available are swamp white oak, white oak, bur oak, northern red oak, hackberry, hophornbeam, black cherry, sandbar willow, silver maple,  sycamore, Kentucky Coffee Tree, and box elder. Shrubs offered are  hoptree, ninebark, swamp rose, prairie rose, swamp rose mallow, buttonbush, bladdernut, and common elderberry. All these trees and shrubs are native to the islands and will thrive in this environment. They have been grown from Ohio seed stock by Riverside Native Trees in Delaware, Ohio. Order by using the order form found on pay by credit card by calling Lisa Brohl at 419-366-2087 or send a check.

Plants: LEIC is also selling over 30 varieties of native perennial plants and flowers from Natives in Harmony from Marengo, Ohio. To order these, please call Gale at (419) 688-9800 and you can pay by credit card. This way your plants will be reserved as soon as you order!!! Natives in Harmony is very popular so order early!!

New this year are wildflower kits from Natives in Harmony. We are offering three different kits-wet sun, dry rocky and full sun kits with 16 plants each of four varieties. Also offered is a spring wildflower kit with four quarts of four varieties. Reserve yours now for spring by using the order form at pay by credit card by calling Lisa at 419-366-2087 or send a check.

Order forms for wildflower kits and native trees and a list of individual native plants are available at or by contacting Lisa at 419-366-2087 or

Beautify your yard and support the Conservancy! Orders may be placed until April 15 and we will arrange a pick up/delivery on the island in early May. For those on Middle Bass who wish to order, a pick up on Middle Bass will be set up as well.


The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please visit the Put-in-Bay Gazette subscription form.

This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website for more information and to subscribe!

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