putinbayohio.com is proud to present the Put-in-Bay Gazette’s “Moss on the Rock”. For the best South Bass Island journalism, visit putinbay.news and subscribe to the Gazette today!
Moss on the Rock
Woody’s Harvest Fest – Oct. 5th,
To Benefit Duff Capital Campaign
Join in on the fun at the Goat Biergarten on Saturday, October 5th, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. for a turkey dinner benefitting the Duff Vineyard Capital Campaign. There will be a 50-50 raffle, a silent auction, sales tables and other fun. Volunteers to help serve and clean up that day are needed. Please call or text Lisa Brohl at 419-366-2087 if you are interested in serving, cleaning up, selling tickets or manning a table at the event. Hope to see you there! Thanks to Scott and Caroline Jackson at The Goat for the great venue.
The Perry Group Annual Meeting Oct. 5th
The Perry Group is holding its annual meeting on Saturday, October 5th. It’s rather special this time with a tour of the undercroft of the Monument before a cocktail party in the Visitors Center at 5 p.m. The undercroft is scheduled to see some major reconstruction in the next couple of years, so this will be the last opportunity to see it as it has been for many years, plus a great time to learn more about what to expect at the Monument in 2025.
Winter Bird Seed Sale
The Lake Erie Islands Conservancy will be selling winter wild bird seed as a fundraiser again this fall. Delivery will be in late November. Titgemeiers Feed and Garden store will be supplying the following types of seed: niger/thistle, black oil sunflower, cracked corn, and mixed bird seed of several grades. If you have a special request, we can try to accommodate you. Please get your order in before November 1st to have it delivered to your island residence. To order, check out our website at www.lakeerieislandsconservancy.org or call Kelly or Marty Faris at 419-285-4772 or contact at kelmar@thirdplanet.net or leiconservancy.com .
Voting on the Islands
If you are voting in the General Election in November, here is some important information. Islanders from all the Bass Islands can vote at the Senior Center on Concord Ave. on Tue., Nov. 5th, from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Photo ID is required. Mon., Oct. 7th, is the last day for voter registration, and Tue., Oct. 8th, is the first day for early and absentee voting. To check voter registration, go to boe.ottawa.oh.gov, an to request a ballot by mail, call (419) 898-3071.
PIB Grad Runs For Michigan House
Dave Kniffen advanced through the primary and will appear on the November ballot for Michigan State House in the 56th District. Kniffen graduated from Put-in-Bay High in 1997 and played for the Varsity basketball team. He has owned and operated Checker Cab on the island for over 20 seasons. His permanent residence is in Troy, Michigan with his wife and two sons, where his wife is a Registered Nurse. The 56th House District in Michigan represents roughly 100,000 voters in the cites of Troy, Clawson, Royal Oak, Birmingham and Bloomfield.
Interesting Visitor
A very interesting visitor stopped by the Island Museum in September. It was Carl Klosinski who spent several summers in his youth on the island and got to know Milt Hersberger, the pilot and airline owner who flew the Ford Trimotor. Carl, who stayed summers with his mother at the Reibel House in the early 1940s, would head to the airport each day and accompany flights with Milt. Carl donated a First Day Cover letter to the museum that was on the first mail hauling flight Milt made to Put-in-Bay on July 1, 1931.
Ferry Returns To Lake Erie
The MV Princess Wenonah, formerly the M/V Wm. M. Miller of the Miller Boat Line fleet for many years, traveled the last week in September from Bay City, MI across Lake Huron, Lake St. Clair and into Lake Erie where it was pulled for maintenance and 5-year Coast Guard inspection in Port Clinton at the Jet Express facility there. The Princess has been used for tours on the Saginaw River for many years.
Put-in-Bay EMS Awards
The Put-in-Bay EMS periodically recognizes its workers for the great work they do. Several recent awards were given out. Bryan Spangler received the Clinical Excellence Award; Krissy Imbur Hart and Olive Scherf who serve Middle Bass were co-awarded Rookie of the Year; Chris Pollock who works at the Fishbowl and Topsy Turvey’s, received the Outstanding Mentor award; Ben Jones received the Community Champion award for consistently responding when needed the most due to the number of times he responded to 911 calls in his off time; Gonzalo “Gonzo” Pizarro received the Outstanding Character award; Tom Coury received the Most Well Rounded Award; and Gabe Smith, who completed his EMT class at age 17, was named the Most Improved Player!
PIB Skelly Hunt: A Spooky Scavenger Hunt
Get ready for a family-friendly adventure with the first-ever Put-in-Bay Skelly Hunt on October 19th, 2024, at Put-in-Bay! This island-wide scavenger hunt will have participants searching for spooky skeletons hidden around the island’s homes and businesses. The hunt is open to all ages, making it the perfect activity for both visitors and locals alike. Grab your friends and family, and join the fun as you explore Put-in-Bay and see how many “skellies” you can find! Prizes for children will be located at the Chamber Visitor Center located at 148 Delaware Ave. Turn in your scavenger hunt cards by 5 p.m. At 5 p.m., adults meet at Mr. Ed’s Bar and Cameo Pizza to receive prizes. Participants who find more than 30 locations on the island will be entered into the “grand prize” Put-in-Bay drawing.
Islander Celebrity
Many island folk participated in Miller Boat Line’s 5-K this past month. Among those top competitors were Zekial Gau, the grandson of Marty and Kelly Faris, who placed 1st in Age Group and 6th Overall. Others placing first in their age groups were 15-year-old PIB High School Student Brennen Jones, Emily Beal, PIBHS sophomore Emma Michael, Chondra Richwine from Fox’s Den, and Colleen Kerkay from Middle Bass. We also have to mention Fran Poe who at 77 placed 2nd in her age group.
If You Missed The Property Owners Meeting
If you were not able to make the property owner’s meeting at the Senior Center on Saturday, September 14th, and missed the Citizens Research Group’s presentation about government restructuring on the islands, you can log on to the PIB Property Owners website at https://www.pibpoa.com/sep-2024.html.
MBI Airport Receives Grant
Put-in-Bay Port Authority’s Middle Bass Airport recently received almost $551,000 for fencing and gates to improve airport security and safety. The Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration has awarded the investments through the Airport Improvement Program. U.S. Rep. Marcy Kaptur, D-Toledo, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced the grants.
Thank You From The PIBVFD
The PIB Vol. Fire Dept.’s annual clambake took place on Saturday, Sept. 21st, on Delaware Ave. in front of the Park Hotel. A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers and those who enjoyed the bake. A special thanks goes out to PIB Candy Bar for bringing the volunteers ice cream! It was a very warm day of cooking clams and chickens and it was the perfect sweet treat to help them cool down. It was greatly appreciated! Second, a big thank you goes to Pasquale’s Cafe and their staff for helping with the clam chowder and manning the soda and cookie station! Most importantly, thanks goes to The Chicken Patio and the McCann family for graciously allowing the use their facilities to put the Clam Bake on! It takes a lot of work to put on this fundraiser and everyone’s generosity helped make it a success!
The previous piece is published in this month’s Put-in-Bay Gazette. The Gazette has been producing incredible independent Put-in-Bay island news for over 40 years. If you have any interest at all in what is happening on South Bass Island, we urge you strongly to subscribe to the Put-in-Bay Gazette. One-year online subscriptions are only $15, and print subscriptions are available as well. To subscribe please visit the Put-in-Bay Gazette subscription form. This piece of Put-in-Bay journalism has been provided to putinbayohio.com courtesy of the Put-in-Bay Gazette, Put-in-Bay’s only local newspaper. Visit their website putinbay.news for more information and to subscribe!